Portfolio: CopyRight Manager


CopyRight Manager

Comedia SA

Project Details - CopyRight Manager
Comedia SA
12/1997 – Now
Management of copyrights. Copyrights are available for a certain type, at a certain territory in a specific language at a certain period for a given version of a media work (movie, TV-program/serie, music performance,…) of a certain author.
The CopyRight Manager application manages all possibilities of these rights between licensors and collection societies. It import work catalogs, right information and detects conflicts. Also payment overview, declarations and claims are managed by this system.
Copyright rules are changing all the time, hence the system need to cope with changing requirements.
Project Type
Client / Server application
Concept, analysis and design of the system architecture
Development, test and implementation of the application. (on call basis, it is a on-going project to adapt towards new requested functionalities).
Environment and tools
Rational Rose, MS Visual Studio, SQL Server
Specific Knowledge
UML, Visual Basic, SQL DB design, ADO, Copyright business!!

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